Предстоящи изложения, конференции, събития МАЙ - СЕПТЕМВРИ 2012

ПредстоящоСп. Енерджи ревю - брой 2, 2012

Предстоящи изложения, конференции, събития


МаЙ 2012


All-Energy Exhibition & Conference, 23 - 24 May 2012

Type: The All-Energy Exhibition & Conference is the UK’s largest renewables event devoted to all forms of clean and renewable energy

Venue: Scotland, Aberdeen

Organizer: Reed Exhibitions

Ядрена Енергетика

Българската атомна енергетика - национална, регионална и световна енергийна сигурност, 30 Май - 1 Юни 2012

Type: Международна конференция за ядрена енергетика

Venue: България, Варна, в.к. Ривиера

Organizer: Български Атомен Форум (БУЛАТОМ)

Юни 2012

ВЕИ Енергетика

Renewable Energy World, 12 - 14 June 2012

Venue: Germany, Cologne

Organizer: PennWell Corporation

Type: Renewable Energy World Europe offers unrivalled networking opportunities connecting the utility-scale renewables and general power industry


POWER-GEN EUROPE, 12 - 14 June 2012

Type: POWER-GEN EUROPE offers the largest and most comprehensive conference and exhibition for the European electricity and power technology sector

Venue: Germany, Cologne

Organizer: PennWell Corporation

Соларна енергетика

InterSolar Europe, 13 - 15 June 2012

Type: Exhibition and conference focused on the solar industry

Venue: Germany, Munich

Organizer: Solar Promotion and Freiburg Wirtschaft Touristik und Messe


Български Енергиен Форум, 13 - 17 June 2012

Type: Международна конференция, посветена на стратегическите и структурните проблеми в енергетиката

Venue: България, Варна, Св.Св. Константин и Елена

Organizer: Научно-Технически съюз на енергетицие в България


European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, 18 - 22 June 2012

Type: the European Biomass Conference and Exhibition has combined an international Scientific Conference with an Industry Exhibition. The event constitutes one of the world’s leading science-to-science, business-to-business and science-to-industry fora for the biomass sector.

Venue: Italy, Milano

Organizer: ETA-Florence Renewable Energies


ВЕИ Енергетика

ZeroEmission Rome, 5 - 7 September 2012

Type: Exhibitoin dedicated to renewable energies, environmental sustainability, the fight against climate change and emission trading

Venue: Italy, Rome

Organizer: Artenergy Publishing

ВЕИ Енергетика

ALL GREEN EXPO ISTANBUL, 6 - 9 September 2012

Type: International Green Economy Congress & Fair

Venue: Turkey, Istanbul, CNR EXPO

Organizer: ITF- Istanbul Trade Fairs

Вятърна енергетика

HUSUM Wind Energy, 18 - 22 September 2012

Type: International wind energy trade fair

Venue: Germany, Husum

Organizer: Messe Husum & Congress

Соларна енергетика

European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 27th, 24 - 28 September 2012

Type: Exhibition and conference for the entire PV value chain

Venue: Germany, Frankfurt

Organizer: WIP-Renewable Energies


Енеко, 24 - 29 Септември 2012

Type: Международна изложба за енергетика и екология

Venue: България, Пловдив

Organizer: Международен Панаир Пловдив
