Предстоящи изложения, конференции, събития МАРТ - ЮНИ 2012
• Предстоящо • Сп. Енерджи ревю - брой 1, 2012
Предстоящи изложения, конференции, събития
Март 2012 - Юни 2012
Март 2012
Соларна енергетика
SEE Solar, 28-30.03.2012
Type: Exhibition on Photovoltaic and Solar Тhermal Systems
Venue: Bulgaria, Sofia, Inter Expo Center
Organizer: Via Expo
ВЕИ енергетика
8th South-Еast European Exhibition and Congress on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, 28-30.03.2012
Type: Exhibition and Congress on Renewable Energy and Related Systems, Energy Efficiency, Energy Efficient Construction, Financing, Energy Certification, etc.
Venue: Bulgaria, Sofia, Inter Expo Center
Organizer: Via Expo
Соларна енергетика
Solar Balkans 2012, 28-30.03.2012
Type: The conference will focus on the development of photovoltaics in the Balkans and this year will be highlighted the leading markets in the region - Bulgaria, Greece, Romania and Turkey
Venue: Bulgaria, Sofia, Inter Expo Center
Organizer: Bulgarian Photovoltaic Association and Solar PV Consulting
Соларна енергетика
Impianti Solari Expo, 29 - 31 March 2012
Type: Photovoltaic solutions for industrial roofs
Venue: Italy, Parma
Organizer: Senaf - Milano
Соларна енергетика
PV Power Plants - EU, 29 - 30 March 2012
Type: PV conference
Venue: Austria, Vienna
Organizer: Solarpraxis
Април 2012
Соларна енергетика
SiliconPV, 3-5.04.2012
Type: International Conference on Silicon Photovoltaics
Venue: Belgium, Leuven
Organizer: PSE
Соларна енергетика
SOLAR, 4-6.04.2012
Type: B2B International Exhibition of Solar and Renewable Energy
Venue: Serbia, Novi Sad
Organizer: ICM Slovenia
Energethica, 12-14.04.2012
Type: Trade fair for renewable and sustainable energy
Venue: Italy, Torino, Lingotto Fiere
Organizer: Emtrad
Соларна енергетика
Solar & PV Technologies Exhibition, 12-14.04.2012
Type: Exhibition for solar and photovoltaic technolgies
Venue: Turkey, Istanbul Expo Center
Organizer: Ihlas Fuar Hizmetleri
Вятърна енергетика
EWEA, 16-19.04.2012
Type: International conference and exhibition on wind energy
Venue: Denmark, Copenhagen, Bella Center
Organizer: EWEA
Соларна енергетика
Thin Film Industry Forum, 19-20.04.2012
Type: Dedicated to thin-film PV combining scientific and technological workshops with a practice-oriented industry forum.
Venue: Germany, Berlin
Organizer: Solarpraxis
Energy Hannover, 23-27.04.2012
Type: Trade Fair for Renewable and Conventional Power Generation, Power Supply, Transmission, Distribution and Storage
Venue: Germany, Hannover Fairgrounds
Organizer: Deutsche Messe
ВЕИ Енергетика
Type: International trade fair and conference for renewable energy and energy efficiency in building and renovation
Venue: Romania, Arad
Organizer: REECO
Май 2012
PCIM Europe, 8 - 10 May 2012
Type: Exhibition and conference for specialists in Power Electronics and its applications in Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management
Venue: Germany, Nuremberg
Organizer: Messago Messe Frankfurt
Соларна енергетика
Solar Expo, 9 - 11 May 2012
Type: Solarexpo, the international exhibition and conference on renewable energy and distributed generation
Venue: Italy, Verona (Verona Exhibition Center)
Organizer: Expoenergie
ВЕИ Енергетика
Greenbuilding, 9 - 11 May 2012
Type: Greenbuilding International Conference and Exhibition on Energy efficiency and sustainable architecture
Venue: Italy, Verona
All-Energy Exhibition & Conference, 23 - 24 May 2012
Type: The All-Energy Exhibition & Conference is the UK’s largest renewables event devoted to all forms of clean and renewable energy
Venue: Scotland, Aberdeen
Organizer: Reed Exhibitions
Ядрена Енергетика
Bulgarian Nuclear Energy - National, Regional and World Energy Safety, 30 May - 1 June 2012
Venue: Bulgaria, Varna
Organizer: Bulgarian Atomic Forum
Юни 2012
ВЕИ Енергетика
Renewable Energy World, 12 - 14 June 2012
Venue: Germany, Cologne
Organizer: PennWell Corporation
Type: Renewable Energy World Europe offers unrivalled networking opportunities connecting the utility-scale renewables and general power industry
POWER-GEN EUROPE, 12 - 14 June 2012
Type: POWER-GEN EUROPE offers the largest and most comprehensive conference and exhibition for the European electricity and power technology sector
Venue: Germany, Cologne
Organizer: PennWell Corporation
Соларна енергетика
InterSolar Europe, 13 - 15 June 2012
Type: Exhibition and conference focused on the solar industry
Venue: Germany, Munich
Organizer: Solar Promotion and Freiburg Wirtschaft Touristik und Messe