Предстоящи изложения, конференции, събития СЕПТЕМВРИ - ноември 2012

ПредстоящоСп. Енерджи ревю - брой 4, 2012

Септември 2012


Енеко, 24 - 29 September 2012

Venue: България, Пловдив

Organizer: Международен Панаир Пловдив

Type: Международна изложба за енергетика и екология

Соларна енергетика

European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 27th , 24 - 28 September 2012

Venue: Germany, Frankfurt

Organizer: WIP-Renewable Energies

Type: Exhibition and conference for the entire PV value chain

Соларна енергетика

Photovoltaics forms Landscapes, 25 September 2012

Venue: Germany, Frankfurt

Organizer: WIP

Type: A special EU PVSEC event that highlights the interaction of PV systems with buildings and landscape will outline the vision of a transition from PV Architecture into urban and non-urban landscapes and how architects take up this challenge.


ENERGOexpo 2012 , 25 - 27 September 2012

Venue: Debrecen, Hungary

Organizer: V-Trade

Type: International Exhibition and Conference for Energy

ВЕИ Енергетика

RENEXPO, 27 - 30 September 2012

Venue: Germany, Messe Augsburg

Organizer: REECO

Type: RENEXPO covers the entire spectrum of renewable energy generation, intelligent energy distribution and efficient use of energy. It is a meeting place for decision makers and presents energy supply and energy use of today and tomorrow.

Октомври 2012


Battery+Storage, 8 - 11 October 2012

Venue: Germany, Stuttgart

Organizer: Messe Stuttgart

Type: The trade fair features exhibitions by suppliers and manufacturers of modern battery systems and their service providers, as well as developers and manufacturers of new and alternative storage solutions.


Energy Solutions, 10 - 11 October 2012

Venue: UK, London, London Olympia

Organizer: UBM plc

Type: Focusing on energy management, onsite renewables, energy efficiency and procurement, the event attracts a unique visitor demographic of energy managers, buyers and industry professionals, across a range of industries and market sectors.


International Energy Fair ENERGETIKA, 10 - 12 October 2012

Venue: Serbia, Belgrade


Type: Electric power industry, coal, gas and oil, renewable energy sources, energy efficiency.

ВЕИ Енергетика

GeoPower Turkey 2012, 16 - 17 October 2012

Venue: Turkey, Istanbul, Barcelу Eresin Topkapi

Organizer: Green Power Conferences

Type: The event this year focuses on maintaining Turkey’s impressive growth through sustainable policy practices and efficient operating procedures.

Соларна енергетика

Solar Turkey Conference & Exhibition, 16 - 17 October 2012

Venue: Turkey, Istanbul, Barcelу Eresin Topkapi

Organizer: Green Power Conferences

Type: Solar Turkey, the premier Turkish solar energy event, has become the official meeting place for Turkish and international solar industry leaders who recognize the potential growth and opportunity for the solar power industry in Turkey.

ВЕИ Енергетика

Turkish International Renewable Energy Congress , 16 - 17 October 2012

Venue: Turkey, Istanbul, Barcelу Eresin Topkapi

Organizer: Green Power Conferences

Type: TIREC 2012 is a 4-day, high level congress and exhibition, where Turkish and international renewable energy experts meet to ensure that Turkey’s green energy industry continues to grow and meet its huge potential.

ВЕИ Енергетика

EEE EXPO, 17 - 20 October 2012

Venue: Romania, Bucharest

Organizer: Romexpo

Type: International fair for renewable energy, conventional energy, equipment and technologies for oil and natural gas.

Соларна енергетика

Solarpeq, 23 - 26 October 2012

Venue: Germany, Duesseldorf

Organizer: Messe Duesseldorf

Type: The Trade Fair for Solar Production Equipment is held concurrently with the world’s leading fair glasstec and provides an international forum for all those interested in selling or buying machinery for producing and processing silicon, wafers, solar cells and modules.

Соларна енергетика

ENER SOLAR, 24 - 26 October 2012

Venue: Italy, Milan Fair Center

Organizer: Fierra Milano

Type: The event dedicated to photovoltaic and thermal solar energy, to photovoltaic technologies (PV Tech) and to inverters (Invex).

Ноември 2012


BioEnergy Decentral, 13 - 16 November 2012

Venue: Germany, Hannover

Organizer: DLG

Type: The exhibition presents the entire range of technological developments in the fields of bioenergy, renewable energy and engineering and installations for decentralized energy supply.

Вятърна енергетика

Конференция за вятърна енергия в България 20 November 2012

Venue: България, София

Organizer: EWEA, БГВЕА, АПЕЕ

Type: Четвъртото издание на годишната конференция за вятърна енергия в България ще разгледа отблизо пазарната и регулаторна рамка за ветроенергийния сектор в страната след приемането на промените в Закона за енергия от възобновяеми източници тази година.

ВЕИ Енергетика

RENEXPO SOUTH-EAST EUROPE, 21 - 23 November 2012

Venue: Romania, Bucharest, Palace Hall Bucharest

Organizer: REECO

Type: The RENEXPO (Renewable ENergy EXPOsition) SOUTH-EAST EUROPE is not only Romania’s largest and most significant event on renewable energies but also creates The energy platform for the South-Eastern European region.

Вятърна енергетика

Offshore Wind Power Europe, 27 - 29 November 2012

Venue: Germany, Hamburg

Organizer: Green Power Conferences

Type: The 4th annual Offshore Wind Power Europe conference will be held in Hamburg assembling leading utilities, developers, government officials, OEMs, manufacturers, component suppliers, wind technology companies, marine shipping, transportation executives and financiers. Be at the forefront of the European offshore wind power industry and hear in-depth presentations on cost-effective project delivery and how to drive down construction and operational costs.
