Предстоящи изложения, конференции, събития
• Предстоящо • Сп. Енерджи ревю - брой 5, 2011
Предстоящи изложения, конференции, събития
ноември 2011 - февруари 2012
Ноември 2011
Вятърна енергетика
EWEA OFFSHORE 2011, 29.11-1.12.2011
Type: Offshore wind energy conference and exhibition.
Venue: Netherlands, Amsterdam
Organizer: European Wind Energy Association
Декември 2011
Геотермална енергетика
GeoPower Europe, 6-7.12.2011
Type: 3rd Annual Official Conference of the European Geothermal Energy Council - development of geothermal power in Europe.
Venue: Italy, Milan, NH Milanofiori - Congress Centre
Organizer: Green Power Conferences
ВЕИ енергетика
ENERGAIA, 7-9.12.2011
Type: International Renewable Energies Exhibition, 5th edition
Venue: France, Montpellier, Exhibition Center
Organizer: ENJOY Montpellier
European Fuel Cell 2011, 14-16.12.2011
Type: Conference and Exhibition for fuel cells
Venue: Italy, Rome, The Fontana di Trevi Conference Center
Януари 2012
BIOGAS Tradefair, 10-12.01.2012
Type: Annual Conference and Trade Fair
Venue: Germany, Bremen, Exhibition and Congress Centre
Organizer: Messe Nuremberg
Вятърна енергетика
Wind Power Romania 2012, 17-18.01.2012
Type: Annual Romanian wind power conference
Venue: Romania, JW Marriott Hotel Bucharest
Organizer: Green Power Conferences
Соларна енергетика
2nd Inverter and PV System Technology Forum, 23-24.01.2012
Type: International conference dedicated to the interaction of all electrical components of a PV system
Venue: Germany, Berlin
Organizer: Solarpraxis
2nd Annual Global Boifuels Summit, 25-26.01.2012
Type: Summit for the latest development in key biofuels issues
Venue: Spain, Barcelona
Organizer: Fleming Europe
Февруари 2012
ВЕИ енергетика
SMEThermal 2012, 07.02.2012
Type: Solar Thermal Materials, Equipment and Technology Conference, 3rd edition.
Venue: Germany, NH Berlin Mitte
Organizer: Solarpraxis
ВЕИ енергетика
ROMENVIROTEC, 28.02-2.03.2012
Type: International Exhibition Environment Protection, Technologies, Equipment, Recycling and Alternative Energies, 19th edition
Venue: Romania, Bucharest
Organizer: ROMEXPO
Март 2012
Соларна енергетика
4th Annual Thin Film Solar Summit Europe, 5-6.03.2012
Venue: Germany, Berlin, Radisson Blu Hotel
Organizer: PV Insider
HydroVision Russia, 5-7.03.2012
Type: Conference and exhibition for the hydroelectric power industry.
Venue: Russia, Moscow, ExpoCentre
Organizer: PennWell Corporation
Russia Power, 5-7.03.2012
Type: Exhibition floor features the major players in the Russian and international power industry displaying and demonstrating the latest services and technologies. The conference program covers the key business issues and latest technologies in the power generation and T & D sectors.
Venue: Russia, Moscow, ExpoCentre
Organizer: PennWell Corporation
7th Annual World Biofuels Markets Congress & Exhibition, 13-15.03.2012
Type: Congress and Exhibition in the biofuels industry.
Venue: Neherlands, Rotterdam, Beurs-World Trade Center
Organizer: Green Power Conferences
8th International Biopower Generation Congress and Exhibition, 13-14.03.2012
Type: Congress and exhibition focused on the latest commercialisation updates, supply chain, investment, policy and torrefaction, cogeneration and energy from waste
Venue: Neherlands, Rotterdam, Beurs-World Trade Center
Organizer: Green Power Conferences
Energy Storage, 13-14.03.2012
Type: International Summit for Storage Solutions for Renewable Energies
Venue: Germany, CCD Congress Center Duesseldorf Sued
Organizer: Messe Duesseldorf, Solarpraxis
ВЕИ енергетика
ECOTEC, 15-18.03.2012
Type: International exhibition for Environmental Technologies & Photovoltaic Systems
Venue: Greece, Athens
Organizer: T Expo
ВЕИ енергетика
New Energy Husum 2012, 15-18.03.2012
Type: The main focuses at this exhibition are: solar energy, bioenergy, geothermal energy, small wind turbines, electromobility, energy storage, smart grid, energy advice, how to integrate energy saving into new builds, and also financial advice
Venue: Germany, Husum
Organizer: Messe Husum
ENGRA, 28.03-01.04.2012
Type: International Fair for Energy and Sustainable Construction
Venue: Slovenia, Gornja Radgona, Pomurski Sejem
Organizer: Pomurski Sejem
Соларна енергетика
SEE Solar, 28-30.03.2012
Type: Exhibition on Photovoltaic and Solar Тhermal Systems
Venue: Bulgaria, Sofia, Inter Expo Center
Organizer: Via Expo
ВЕИ енергетика
8th South-Еast European Exhibition and Congress on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, 28-30.03.2012
Type: Exhibition and Congress on Renewable Energy and Related Systems, Energy Efficiency, Energy Efficient Construction, Financing, Energy Certification, etc.
Venue: Bulgaria, Sofia, Inter Expo Center
Organizer: Via Expo
ВЕИ енергетика
CEP EXPO, 29-31.03.2012
Type: International Trade Fair for Renewable Energy and Passive House
Venue: Germany, Landesmesse Stuttgart
Organizer: REECO
Соларна енергетика
Impianti Solari Expo, 29-31.03.2012
Type: Photovoltaic Solutions for Industrial roofs
Venue: Italy, Fiere di Parma
Organizer: Senaf
PV Power Plants - EU, 29-30.03.2012
Venue: Austria, Vienna
Organizer: Solarpraxis