Polytechnik Luft- Und Feuerungstechnik, Списание Енерджи ревю - брой 4, 2011

РЕКЛАМНА ПУБЛИКАЦИЯ Polytechnik Luft- Und Feuerungstechnik

POLYTECHNIK, Luft-und Feuerungstechnik GmbH

Hainfelderstrasse 69, A-2564 Weissenbach

Tel. +43/2672/890-0, Fax: +43/2672/890-13,

Internet: www.polytechnik.com

E-Mail: office@polytechnik.at

The Austrian company „Polytechnik Luft- und Feuerungstechnik GmbH” is one of the most important suppliers of firing systems for biogenic fuels in the timber industry, and is famous for planning and providing turnkey systems and installations. The current export rate is about 95 %. worldwide.

The company offers these firing systems in a performance range from 300 kW –

30.000 kW (individual boiler output). Depending on the type and water content of the fuel, a variety of firing systems are used (underfeed system, underfeed-burn-out grate, and hydraulic grate system), with media carriers being warm water, hot water, steam, or thermal oil.

The systems can be used for heating and process heat as well as for power generation (steam and ORC process). The performance range extends from 200 kW to 20.000 kW of electrical power (current).

More than 2,500 Polytechnik systems are already in use worldwide. In the timber and wood industry, Polytechnik suction extraction systems, filters, spraying chamber equipment, shredders, and spark quenching systems also have a fine reputation for quality. In other sectors of industry, as well as in the public domain, as well as firing installations and combined heat and power systems, local and district heating systems are also provided, while the company’s worldwide service network ensures that the best possible customer service is provided rapidly.
